AP ICET Answer Key: The Ultimate Guide

  • By Bhavya Thakkar
  • 23 February 2023
AP ICET Answer Key The Ultimate Guide

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The Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test, popularly called AP ICET, is an entrance exam for admission into Master of Computer Applications (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses offered by educational institutions in Andhra Pradesh is an important competitive exam. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, conducts the exam. 

If you are planning to pursue MBA degree courses in Andhra Pradesh should prepare for this exam. And, if you want to know in detail about the AP ICET Answer Key, keep reading this blog.

AP ICET Answer Key

The answer key for the AP ICET is released after the completion of the exam. Candidates who have prepared well based on the AP ICET syllabus and performed exceptionally in the exam can use the answer key to cross-check their answers and calculate their estimated scores.

The answer key will be made available online as a PDF document. The candidates can download the answer key using their AP ICET login credentials. 

The process of using the answer key is straightforward:

  1. Candidates need to match their answers with the correct answers provided in the answer key.
  2. For every correct answer, they can add marks based on the exam's marking scheme.
  3. Candidates can calculate their estimated score by adding the marks for all the right answers.
  4. The Board will also release the candidate responses sheet that can be used with the AP ICET 2023 answer key for checking and estimating the scores.

The Andhra University will release the preliminary answer key section-wise with the question paper at their official website, tentatively by the second week of June 2023. Based on the released preliminary answer key, candidates can raise objections on the preliminary answer keys released till the third week of June 2023. The Board will consider the responses and release the final answer key tentatively in July 2023, in the first week. 

It is important to note that the estimated score obtained using the answer key is not the actual score. The University will declare the actual score after evaluating the answer sheets.

AP ICET Exam - Important Dates

The AP ICET Exam dates and other important events concerning the AP ICET exam are as follows:


Important Dates

AP ICET Exam 2023 

25th and 26th May, 2023

Provisional Answer Key for AP ICET exam

June 2023, Second-week

Raising objection against the answer key for AP ICET exam - Last Date

June 2023, Third-week

Results and final answer key declaration

July 2023, First-week

Candidates must keep track of these important events and their dates to use the options.

How To Check The AP ICET Exam Answer Key?

To check the AP ICET 2023 answer key, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website for the AP ICET exam.
  2. Choose the Master Question Papers with Preliminary Keys option.
  3. Select the session-wise question paper and download the respective PDF.
  4. Open the “Responses Sheet” and compare the answers to find the score.
  5. Candidates can also raise objections against the answer key.

How To Download The Response Sheet For AP ICET?

To download the Candidate Response Sheet for AP ICET 2023, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the official AP ICET website.
  2. Choose the "Response Sheets" option.
  3. Provide the AP ICET 2023 Hall Ticket Number and the Registration Number.
  4. The response sheet will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Download the response sheet.

It is important to note that the option corresponding to the green tick is the right key for that question. And the option provided by the candidate is represented as the chosen option in the response sheet. 

Marking Scheme Based On Answer Key For AP ICET Exam

The marking scheme for the AP ICET exam is as follows:

  1. 1 mark is awarded for every correct response.
  2. No negative marking is applicable to any of the incorrect answers. 

Therefore, the total score is calculated as follows:

Total Score

Number Of Correct Answers x 1

How To Raise Objections Against The AP ICET Exam Answer Key?

To file objections to the AP ICET 2023 answer key, follow these steps:

  1. Cross-check your answers marked in the exam with the ones in the answer key.
  2. If you wish to raise objections, send an email to objectionsAP ICET2023@gmail.com with the following details:
    1. Serial Number
    2. AP ICET Hall Ticket Number
    3. Exam Date of AP ICET 2023
    4. Session - Forenoon or Afternoon 
    5. Shift 1 or 2
    6. Question Number
    7. The answer given in the preliminary key
    8. Suggested answer
    9. Justification for the suggested answer.

Justification can include details such as the books referred, edition, language, page number, etc., 

The format for the objection is as follows:

S. No


Hall Ticket Number

AP ICET Exam Date


(Shift 1/ Shift 2)

Q. No.

Answer Provided in the Answer Key

Suggested Answer


Important Links On Previous Year Answer Key - AP ICET Exam 

Master Question Papers With Preliminary Keys

Response Sheets

Previous Year Question Paper With Answer Key For The AP ICET Exam

  1. AP ICET Session 1 Question Paper with Key - 17th Sep 2021
  2. AP ICET Session 2 Question Paper with Key - 17th Sep 2021
  3. AP ICET Session 1 Question Paper with Key - 18th Sep 2021
  4. AP ICET Session 2 Question Paper with Key - 18th Sep 2021

AP ICET Results

After the release of the AP ICET Answer key, candidates can expect the results to be published on the official website. 

To access their results, they must enter their registration and hall ticket numbers on the website. The result merely indicates the candidate's qualifying status and does not guarantee admission. 

[Click Here For Results]

AP ICET Rank Card

Additionally, students must download the AP ICET rank card for further admission procedures. To download the AP ICET 2023 rank card, candidates must enter their date of birth, registration number, and hall ticket number on the official website. The rank card is only issued to candidates who have qualified for the exam and serves as proof during counselling. Students must keep the AP ICET rank card safe, as it will be required during further application and admission procedures.

[Click Here For Rank Card]


The Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test (AP ICET) is an essential examination for students aspiring to pursue a Master of Business Administration or MBA in the state. The AP ICET answer key is helpful for candidates appearing for the exam. It provides an estimate of their performance and helps them prepare for the next steps of the admission process. While you wait for the AP ICET Answer Key, you can check out Sunstone. It is a higher education service provider with a pan-India presence. Sunstone offers a bunch of features like skill enhancement programmes and dedicated placement assistance.


What is the AP ICET Answer Key?

The AP ICET answer key contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can use the answer key to compare their answers and calculate their estimated scores.

What is the format of AP ICET answer keys?

The AP ICET answer key is usually released in the form of a PDF file. The answer key will contain the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam. The answer key will be divided into different sections, with each section corresponding to a particular question paper set or code. The answer key will contain the question number, the correct answer option, and sometimes, an explanation or solution for the answer.

For example, if the AP ICET exam is conducted in four different question paper sets - A, B, C, and D, then the answer key will also be released in four different sections, one for each paper set. Candidates can download the relevant section of the answer key, based on the paper set they have appeared for, and check their answers.

It is important to note that the AP ICET answer key is provisional in nature, and candidates may raise objections to the answers provided in the key. After considering the objections, the final answer key will be released, which will be used to calculate the final scores of the candidates.

How to study for the exam with the AP ICET answer key?

Studying for the AP ICET exam using the answer key can be an effective way to prepare for the exam. Candidates preparing for AP ICET can download the question papers of the previous year and the corresponding answer keys. With these two components, it becomes easier to give mock tests and assess one’s performance. 

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